Friday, June 09, 2023

June Athlete of the Month

Are your CLOT BUSTER @TeamSTOPTHECLOT polka-dots ready for the summer? 

This past weekend I got the chance to race my first triathlon of the summer and of course I had the polka-dots going. Without a question the BEST KIT in all of triathlon... everyone racing and cheering can see it which makes it an outstanding billboard to spread awareness and get people thinking about our message to STOP THE CLOT as well as celebrating that blood clot survivors can do anything!

Over the years my experience in the polka-dots has been exceptional. From survivors sharing their stories to family members talking about survivors in their families to regular individuals learning about the cause. I know that similar experiences are happening every time folks wearing polka-dots are out there training and racing. 

This month's Athlete of the Month is very much a result of seeing the polka-dots in "action" during a trail running race...

Since BLOOD CLOT SURVIVORS CAN DO ANYTHING of course we have people participating on trail running events that range from short distances to marathons, ultra-marathons, and beyond. If you look at some older postings on this blog you will find folks that not only survived their clotting incidents but now are also back competing and achieving success on the trails.

The story of June's Athlete of the Month starts indeed as spectator of a trail run shortly after his clotting incident... But please allow ROB to explain on his own words...

"My clot, Mesenteric Venous Thrombosis, was two years ago (May 2021) and resulted in the loss of a few feet of bowel and a number of other complications. The clot is being managed but the accompanying issues continue to cause pain and problems 24/7 since the operation.  There have been MANY times since the operation that I wasn't sure I would get through this, and there were many times I didn't want too (the mental barriers are as tough as the physical).  Shortly after my incident, I went to watch my wife in a trail race (we have been trail runners rocking the 25+km races, 50km for her) and was very saddened to struggle just walking to meet her for the last 800m of the race.  It was here on the course I was inspired by a runner sporting your polka-dot shirt who stopped to share some of his story.  

About 2 months ago I had a big positive turning point in my recovery and decided to start actively participating in life again.  I signed up for a 10km night trail race on May 6 as a goal race-  I've been working hard to get there and actually now believe I can do it.  This race is a huge goal for me on many levels and I am now even letting others in on my struggle.  If as a part of my opening up, I can inspire others (in polka-dots), I would be proud to sport the Dots."

THANK YOU ROB for your willingness to share your story.

The power of the polka-dots in full action as you got to learn about STOPTHECLOT and of course get inspired by the blood clot survivor you saw in action. How cool is this situation...!?!?

This interaction gets even better because Rob did get the chance to run that 10Km race he wrote about... and HE CRUSHED IT!!! Rob shared with me that the race went better than anticipate and that his time was respectable given his condition and circumstances. Without a doubt your first 10Km race was a success Rob! It is inspiring because you made it to the start line and participated until the end. May this be the start of your COME BACK TO BE BETTER THAN EVER!!!

Never Stop Moving Forward!

Thank you for reading,

The Clot Buster

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! That awesome!👊🏻🌟
