Saturday, May 06, 2023

May Athlete of the Month

Getting to battle an injury for a long time sure makes you appreciate the times where you did not have any issues.

Slowly it feels like I am finally turning a corner and I am able to string together some workouts without the pain on my heel being a distraction from normal life.

Looking forward to the summer racing coming up as the CLOT BUSTER @TeamSTOPTHECLOT polka-dots are getting dusted off... But even better is the fact that the polka-dot goodness is being shipped out to survivors far and wide. It is very cool to see goods heading out all over the country and even to Canada over the latest blitz.

For this month's Athlete of the Month we have someone very special with a story that has a happy ending instead of all too common tragic ending that could have been prevented.

Please allow me to introduce to you Sarah along with her story. 

Read on as you will be engaged and inspired.

What is you sport/activity of choice? Why do you enjoy it?   
I enjoy cycling.  It's an activity that can be challenging at times and was once impossible for me to do.

How did you get started in that sport?   through friends.

What is the latest milestone you achieved or plan to achieve? My goal this year is my half iron man coming up in October which is 56 miles for the bike portion.  I'm also doing a couple duathlons and 5ks this year. 

Tells about your clotting episode.  Are you on blood thinners now? How long were you out of commission? At the end of July 2021, I started to develop some intense jaw/ear pain. Thinking it was my wisdom teeth, I made an appointment with my dentist. She assured me my teeth were fine and advised me to see my primary doctor. He didn’t have any openings so I ended up going to urgent care. The doctor saw a little fluid build up behind my ear and started me on a steroid pack, nasal spray, Benadryl, and antibiotics.

A week later the pain remained, but I had been training for a duathlon and thinking I just had a head cold I decided to still compete. I was able to complete it but had a lot of difficulty regulating my heart rate throughout and just did not feel right.

It was soon after that, that I started to develop some left sided calf tightness to the point where it was painful.

I called my doctor and was able to get an appointment. I explained my calf symptoms and that I was worried due to being on oral contraceptives because I knew that increases my chances of getting a blood clot. I told him that I have a positive Homans sign and was concerned. He never examined my leg. In fact, he totally dismissed me saying that I’m young and healthy and have nothing to worry about.

Two weeks later, I felt my HR going fast. My apple watch alerted me that my resting HR was over 125 bpm for three straight hours. I then went through the data my watch stores and noticed that my resting HR was 15 bpm higher in August than it was in July.

I started monitoring it daily. A week later, I wore my watch to bed and my resting HR never went below 85bpm sleeping. I messaged my doctor about my symptoms saying I needed an appointment.

The next day, Monday, my doctor responds but not to come in, rather to call a hospital to get a HR monitor put on. The earliest appointment was two days away. I took it reluctantly.

But as that Monday went on, I started having shortness of breath, inability to take a deep breath in, and severe chest pains. I left work, called my husband and said we need to go to the ER. There I was diagnosed with an Acute Pulmonary Embolism, blood clot in my lung affecting my entire left lower lobe. They gave me a shot of blood thinners in my stomach and I was admitted.

After a year of tests and blood work, the clot was gone but I found out that I have a Protein S Deficiency that was brought out by my birth control.  I am now forever on blood thinners. I’m thankful to have found this and to have known enough to repetitively seek medical attention until I was heard.

The clot traveling to my lung could have completely been avoided if my doctor listened to me and ran a simple test. Take this as a sign. If you feel something about your body isn’t right, chances are it isn’t. Keep being your own advocate. You just may save your own life.

When were you able to get back into your activity?  How did it feel that first time?   Not for at least 6 months from my clot did I feel comfortable riding a stationary bike due to breathing issues.  It felt impossible but turned out very rewarding.  I remember the first week after being discharged from the hospital, and how hard it was to go upstairs, I had to stop every 3 steps because I was COMPLETELY out of breath, or even standing to shower was nearly impossible.  To be able to ride for 20 minutes non stop was huge and inspiring.

What is your favorite piece of gear for your favorite activity? Definitely my Trek Domane SL6, absolutely LOVE my bike.

How much are you getting out doing your sport? I train on my bike 2-3 days a week.  I do other workouts between to get ready for some Duathlons I have planned this year.

What is your favorite food? I love pasta especially a white sauce with sundried tomatoes and garlic!

If you could go some place to visit and explore, where would like to go?  Greece!

What would like to say to someone who is going through a clotting episode, perhaps very similar to yours...While in the acute stages of having a clot, recovery may seem so long winded.  But it is possible.  You have to stay positive, knowing that better days are ahead.  Lean on your family and friends to guide you through the days.  Once cleared to start some activity, start small, don't feel discouraged when you can barely walk for 5 minutes at a time.... I've been there and now I'm running/biking/and lifting 5 days a week.  Your body can truly do amazing things.  

How about this story from Sarah. Truly unreal that her primary doctor dismissed her concerns... So glad to hear that Sarah took it upon herself to go to the ER and get checked.

BLOOD CLOT SURVIVORS CAN DO ANYTHING!!! Even advocate for themselves. 

Can't wait to hear how the events Sarah is planning on doing this year will turn out. She is truly an inspiration that all of us can follow because YOU CAN'T EVER GIVE UP!!!

Thank you for reading,

The Clot Buster 

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