Friday, October 14, 2022

October Athlete of the Month

Here comes the fall!

Can you believe it?

I was just outside doing one my long runs in preparation for the Marine Corps Marathon at the end October in the beloved CLOT BUSTER @TeamSTOPTHECLOT polka-dots. As I was running all around I saw all of the trees changing colors and leaves falling all over the place. Are you ready? Although the colors are beautiful saying goodbye to the summer takes me a while... 

However, inspiration comes on strong at this time of the year because World Thrombosis Day happens on 10/13 and always has an event to celebrate this massive day of awareness around the world. 

Are you going to run between 10/13 and 10/17 in the "RACE TO STOP THE CLOT Virtual Fun"? Register here >>> COME ON RUN WITH US!!!

Also, inspiration comes in the form of @TeamSTOPTHECLOT getting ready to run in the upcoming NYC Marathon. This year we have our largest group of Blood Clot Survivors and Friends taking on this incredible race while they spread awareness about NBCA's mission. I can't believe how many people we have running this year. Very proud and inspired to see this effort grow as much as it has since our first go back in 2013.

Back in August you got read about DAVID - He is keeping us his training and he will be ready to crush it come Marathon Time. You can also see his fundraising page HERE.

So for this month's Athlete of the Month post I wanted to highlighted another runner in the team.

ASHLEY is Blood Clot Survivor and nothing is getting in her way to keep breaking down barriers. 

Please read on to learn more about Ashley and her journey...

In December of 2013, I decided to join a local gym after just moving to a new area, and spent a lot of time doing group classes and walking on the treadmill. One day while I was walking, I looked down and noticed some swelling in my lower left leg. I figured the swelling was just from the exercise, but I would soon find out that I was wrong.

A few weeks had passed, and I noticed the swelling was still there. I convinced myself it wasn’t serious and that it was just a lingering side effect of the exercise. I mentioned these symptoms to my mom and she immediately went into “mom mode” and begged me to call my doctor…so I did. Since the swelling was in my left leg, the doctors thought it could have been something to do with my heart and had me come in right away. I saw the first person that was available who wasn’t even my doctor, and after a brief line of questioning, they sent me in for an ultrasound on my legs. I was sure this was overkill and that everything would come back clear, but I was wrong again.

The doctors made me wait for the ultrasound results before I could go home, and the results that were read to me changed my life forever. The ultrasound indicated superficial clots in my left leg, (inflamed veins due to a blood clot just below the surface of the skin). This was all foreign to me, as blood clots were something I knew nothing about until that day. Luckily, the clots were on the surface and this didn’t seem to be too serious – but since I was a healthy 24 year old they wanted to figure out what risk factors may have lead to this. I was sent down to the phlebotomy lab where they drew several vials of blood, and a few days later the results showed I had factor V Leiden, a blood clotting disorder.

I was referred to a cardiologist in Boston and embarked on a 6-month-long journey full of tests and countless doctors appointments. During this period, I received an MRI which revealed deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in both of my legs. I spent months on injected anticoagulants, and was now a 25 year old sporting compression stockings on a daily basis – all from something I didn’t know existed 6 months prior.

Once I was given the green light, I began exercising again. I trained for my first, and what I thought would be my my last, 5k! I told myself I would do just one small race to prove to myself that I could complete a race after my diagnosis; and here I am - 7 years later having run numerous 5ks, a handful of 10ks and half marathons, and the 2021 Boston Marathon all under my belt! This goes to show that blood clot survivors can do anything!

THANK YOU ASHLEY for being a part of the team this year.



So glad that you have been able to recover and continue to push your efforts from a 5Ks all the way to Marathons... SO IMPRESSIVE.

If you would like to donate to Ashley's Fundraising Efforts please do so HERE.

Get inspired to run, to represent, to celebrate and to spread awareness.

Thank you for reading,

The Clot Buster

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