Tuesday, June 01, 2021

June Athlete of the Month

Time is flying...

I blinked a few times and the school year is over + May is gone + and I have been enjoying the fires in our backyard a lot.

Racing in the CLOT BUSTER #TeamStopTheClot polka-dots is coming into focus and June, July and August will have me doing some serious triathloning... the only problem is that I have not been in a pool since last September... I am going to be scrambling to get ready for my first race in 2 weeks time... I just need for our local pool to open PRONTO!

The inspiration to race in the #TeamStopTheClot polka-dots is there and growing every day.  Getting the opportunity to meet more Blood Clot Survivors and learning about their stories keeps the fire going so that I can get the polka-dots out racing to Celebreate and Remember ALL BLOOD CLOT SURVIVORS.  

Very excited to share with your LINDSAY's story for the June Athlete of the Month post.  She does two of the sports I enjoy a great deal and that I am getting to race more and more.  Certainly Lindsay's story will bring along a great deal of motivation and inspiration to get out there because she is a perfect example of the fact that BLOOD CLOT SURRVIVORS CAN DO ANYTHING!  Many Thanks to Lindsay for sharing her story.

Please read on and enjoy!

What is you sport/activity of choice? Why do you enjoy it?

Cycling & Kayaking! I love that I can take my bike out and ride anywhere in nature and I love kayaking because it's a fun activity on the water! I get to explore different areas either by bike or kayak! 

How did you get started in that sport? 

I begged my uncle for my first bike while on a camping trip when I was really young! I saw so many kids riding their bikes around the campground and it looked so fun. I just started kayaking a few years ago when a friend of mine invited me to try their kayak on a lake near our house. I was scared at first but was instantly hooked! 

What is the latest milestone you achieved or plan to achieve? (Long bike ride, some race coming up or that you did).

I just completed my second PeloFondo event since my clotting episode. The first one I rode a total of 38 miles just 5 weeks after being cleared to get back on my bike. I set a goal to ride 50 miles 3 months later during the second event and I did it!

Tells about your clotting episode.  Are you on blood thinners now? How long were you out of commission? 

I ended up in the ER the evening of Oct 5, 2020 with severe shortness of breath, after blacking out. My imaging showed both lungs full of clots with severe right heart strain/pulmonary hypertension. I was taken to emergency surgery for 5 hours to remove as many clots as possible. After a short stay in the ICU and a couple of nights in the CCU I was discharged home. I am currently on blood thinners and will likely remain on them for the rest of my life. I was off work for 3 months and returned Jan 4, 2021. 

When were you able to get back into your activity?  How did it feel that first time?   

My cardiologist and pulmonologist cleared me to start riding my bike at low intensity/short duration on Dec 7, 2020 - 2 months after my clots/surgery. I started off on my indoor spin bike (Peloton) doing 5 min rides. I felt so weak, which was frustrating, but I was thankful to be on the bike and was determined to improve and get stronger! 

What is your favorite piece of gear for your favorite activity?

I love my Peloton and Trek hybrid bike. My favorite kayak is my Perception Tribe! 

How much are you getting out doing your sport? 

I have not been kayaking since my clotting event - yet. But plan to asap! I am biking 4-5 days/week both indoor and outdoor! 

What is your favorite food?  

I love Thai food and sushi! :) But Mexican food is a favorite as well! 

If you could go some place to visit and explore, where would like to go?

I'd love to go to Switzerland! 

What would like to say to someone who is going through a clotting episode, perhaps very similar to yours?  How can people return todo what they enjoy? Tells about your concerns and what you look out after as you returned to action.

Be patient with yourself. Your body has experienced trauma and it will take time to heal. Find what you can do comfortably and start there, and build slowly as you start to feel stronger. I wear a heart rate monitor and have my target heart rates calculated so I know what my safe zones are (and the zones to avoid/when to back off or slow down) and I discussed those numbers with my medical team. I always wear my heart rate monitor for all activity. Stay hydrated, drink lots of water and stay active as much as you can - even if you can only walk a few steps starting out. And always discuss with your medical team - your plans, how things are going, what you're seeing/experiencing, how you're feeling, and any concerns. Blood Clot survivors are warriors!! 

So glad that when you were treated adn diagnosed properly right from the start. So many times we have seen that it has taken several attempts at a diagnosis before the appropriate determination is made. It gives me hope that we are improving in our diagnosis of clotting events so that treatments can be started when needed.

Very cool that you are back on your bike CRUSHING IT and soon enough ready to get back in the water with your Kayak. No doubt that it will feel incredible when you get back in the boat and cruise along. Can't wait to hear about where you will be able to go exploring because YOU CAN!

Thank you for reading,

The Clot Buster

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