Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Soggy wet run on Saturday... I was in good shape until about 12 Miles in when it started to come down. Luckily I decided to modify my run and stay close to home as I saw on the radar the chance of rain increasing right before I left the house. Probably a good decision as I only had about 4 Miles to go home instead of the 10 or 8 I would have had if I was running the original route I had in mind.

I felt great during the time I ran. I can feel the training pushing me along to new boundries that I have not explore yet. I never thought that running 15+ Miles in one sitting would be like a walk in the park but in all honestly that distance goes by very easily. Now, I struggle a lot more when we get into more mileage like 20+ but the feeling is great to have legs develop to this point and of course the STOP THE CLOT inspiration that keeps me going.

What do you thin about this glasses? They are some of the latest offering from my good friends at DPM Sports. They look nice. I have not had the chance to try them on but YOU CAN if you decide to participate in the Clot Buster's DVT Awareness Month Auction. Take a chance on getting the cool gear and at the same time help NATT continue their work educating about blood clots and blood clotting disorders.

Thanks for reading,

The Clot Buster

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