Sunday, January 06, 2008

First Long run of the 18 week training plan - COMPLETED

How about that?

I worked my way for a total of 75 minutes running for a grand total of 9 Miles on Saturday. Not a bad start as I was able to keep my pace consistent throughout the effort. Of course today I am not doing anything very fast but that feeling should improve as we continue with this training plan. I am starting to realize that running this long distances will require some serious concentration and some degree of distraction. I generally don't run listening to music but I may have to use some help on the longer runs coming up.

Has anyone used audiobooks to gain that distraction?

One week down, 17 more to go!

Thanks for reading,

The Clot Buster

1 comment:

  1. hey..great shot on your profile of the outfit. you should do a 5 k in that gear..
    can't help you on the audiobooks etc?? I usually just take in the ambient sounds as I run.
    good luck in 08
