Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Thrombosis and Thrombophilia Weekly Facts

So here is your second edition of the Thrombosis and Thrombophilia Weekly Facts...

What do you know about In Flight Fitness to avoid DVT's?

In flight exersies are very important to take into account for anyone traveling long distances by air. NATT's website has some really interesting articles on the subject. Please click here for the one that gives you all the details you need to know to do everything in your power to prevent potential DVT's during long air travel.


That much closer to be a member of a new Age-Group. How is that going to go? I will be in the "young" echelon of this group so there is some relief there. I really can't wait to get things going and start the racing this 2007.

This year The Clot Buster will be stepping up his challenge to 300 Miles of racing all together during the 7 races he plans to do. Checkout the side bar for more details one the races that I will be doing this year. I even have new additions to the polka-dot outfit that are going to make me look that much better. Look out for them this summer...

Thanks for reading,

The Clot Buster

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