Tuesday, August 01, 2006

HALF IRONMAN @ The Whirlpool Steelhead Triathlon

Wow! It is already here, the time for The Clot Buster to make his way to Benton Harbor, MI to the shores of Lake Michigan to participate in this challenge of 70.3 Miles of racing.

Without a question this will be the biggest race in the Clot Buster’s racing resume. Today is Tuesday and I’ve been having butterflies in my stomach since last Tuesday…

Am I intimidated about this distance? Not so much, just hoping that on Saturday I can put together a race that would improve my time from my last half ironman attempt in Morgantown, WV. I should be in good shape this time around as Mrs. Clot Buster will be around to cheer me on and as long she is there I should be able to make my competitors see red polka dots blow by them…

I do seriously believe that I race better when she is around at the race. Specially this time around when I am racing representing or spreading the word about the organization that she cares so much about and for which she dedicates an enormous amount of time and effort. I am just inspired by all of her hard work (and all of the rest of the people who is and has invested so much for NATT) that during the times I am suffering out there the polka dots carry me on even if I am reduced to a walk during the running portion of the race.

Speaking of inspiration, this weekend I had the opportunity to finally meet in person someone who is riding across the United States and has suffered from multiple blood clots that have seriously affected her lungs. Cheryl and her husband Tom have been riding for the better part of a month and are now pedaling their way to Washington D.C. for their arrival on August 8th. It was an honor to be able to ride with them from Sandusky, OH until their first rest stop at the Lakeview Park some 30 Miles East of Sandusky. Her smile and positive attitude is simply contagious. Everywhere she goes she talks about blood clots and blood clotting disorders. She is an “awareness creating” machine. If you get the chance please checkout her site at

She is doing her part in this challenge that we have ahead of us. Are you? You may not feel like riding across the US but there are many other ways to do you part. You can learn more about blood clots and blood clotting disorders by visiting NATT’s Website (www.nattinfo.org), you can help NATT by donating what ever you can so that this organization can continue their education and support quest across this great land of ours. Great things are being planned that will help many people!

Stay tuned for a report from the race… if I survive of course!

Thanks for reading,

The Clot Buster Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck!!! The weather looks like it should be good. My friends did Chisago half iron last weekend in Mnpls and the weather was brutal.
