Friday, February 04, 2022

February Athlete of the Month

As the snow and ice are coming down with no mercy here in Ohio today I am thinking warm thoughts...

I think even more warm thoughts when it is time to go outside and face the snow either shoveling or hitting the slopes sledding. Soon enough it will be warm again but for now I embrace the fun with the white stuff and layer up as much as I can.

But warm thoughts only get me so far when attempting to train... I still the need the BLOOD CLOT SURVIVOR INSPIRATION POWER... #STOPTHECLOT @TeamSTOPTHECLOT

This month's featured athlete sure is bringing some warmth and much needed inspiration to keep us going. 

Thank you to ALICIA for her willingness to share her story. 

Every story is unique which is what I love the most from this effort. Everyone has a different blood clotting incident, different diagnosis, and a different story of returning to action. Every story has a message that someone will find useful to help them with their journey. 

Please read on and find that part of this story that resonates with you and may help you along the way!

What is you sport/activity of choice? Why do you enjoy it? 

Stand-up Paddleboarding and long distance running (really jogging but running sounds better)

How did you get started in that sport?

I took a contract job that put me in Hawaii for a year, and in my free time I joined a paddle club and a running club. 


What is the latest milestone you achieved or plan to achieve?

Milestones - After my massive clot in April 2021, my milestones have been much smaller than before

    1. October 2021 I jogged for the first time since March
    2. November 2021 I jogged a mile for the first time in over a year
    3. I have signed up for the Lincoln Nebraska National Guard Half Marathon in May 2022, and my ambitions goal is to complete the half marathon with as little walking as possible


Tells about your clotting episode.  Are you on blood thinners now? How long were you out of commission?

Clotting history

    1. I had a many moderate sized Bilateral PE’s in December 2012, seemingly unprovoked. My mother had a similar PE episode 8 years prior. In 2013 both my mother and I, and my Maternal Grandmother were diagnosed with Illiac Compression (May Thurner) Syndrome.  A few years later my half sister was also diagnosed, although she managed to avoid any PE’s. All four of us had stents placed in both Illac Veins. 
    2. While pregnant with my 2nd son, I had a small DVT in my left lower leg that was resolved with Lovanox 
    3. When my 2nd son was 6 weeks old in March 2021, I pulled a muscle in my back that inflamed all of the muscles in my back and my abdomen. I also had serious waves of spasms that rolled through all of my back muscles. Even walking was excruciating. By April 2021 I was barley walking 50 steps a day. On April 8th, I noticed my left leg was painful and turning purplish - went to the DR and discovered I had a 3 1/2 ft long clot that stretched from my ankle to my Illiac Stents.  Important to note, is i was taking subcutaneous Heparin as a clot prophylactic, and still I clotted. I had two surgeries to remove the clot above my knee, and TPA administered to begin dissolving the clot below my knee. The clot was easier to remedy than the back pain (which I am still fighting, a year later)

When were you able to get back into your activity?  How did it feel that first time?

My most recent clot occurred we suspect as a direct result of my back pain, not allowing me to walk without extreme pain. After the hospitalization and surgery for the clots, I started a new approach to healing the back pain. The clot was in April. At the time of the clot, my back hurt so bad I couldn’t even pick up my 9 lb son. By June I was able to pick up the baby, and to some extent, I was able to pick up my other son who just turned 2. I was still having waves of spasms though. By September, the last of the spasms had come and gone, and walking was easier. In October I was able to jogg for the first time since April. In November, I jogged 1 mile for the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot. I am hoping to begin a whole body workout program in February, to slowly increase strength and stamina. There is a sense of freedom in overcoming a hurdle that I once thought was impossible. 


What is your favorite piece of gear for your favorite activity?

I have a new pair of shoes that count steps, cadence, distance, and even posture, that I am excited to use and learn from! I am very excited to getting back to running!

How much are you getting out doing your sport?

I expect to be able to run or jogged 2/3 times per week, and in the summer once a week paddle boarding

What is your favorite food?

Chocolate Milk - I have compared the nutrition on many post workout supplements, and nothing is as easy, or simple, or tasty as a nice cold glass of chocolate milk!, paired with a delicious banana!

If you could go some place to visit and explore, where would like to go? 

My very first night in Hawaii for my contract job placed me on a hotel on the beach in Kailua-Kona Big Island, HI. My hotel was around mile 20 of the Iron Man Championship - (2+ mile open ocean swim, immediately followed by 112 mile bike ride in the Hawaii desert with little shade, followed immediately by a full 26+ mile Marathon). I have a dream someday of participating and completing this race! Even if i’m the very last competitor that crosses the finish line!

What would like to say to someone who is going through a clotting episode, perhaps very similar to yours?  How can people return todo what they enjoy? Tells about your concerns and what you look out after as you returned to action.

Don’t give up, and always be your own advocate! Clots are hard to detect, and hard to treat. I was on a therapeutic dose of subcutaneous Heparin when I had my big clot. All of the physicians I have met with have said the past physical activity I have been involved in served me well during my clots and are testament to why I need to remain active. Set your goals high, and if you have to, measure your accomplishments in baby steps… big steps and baby steps all lead to the same place - finish line!

THANK YOU again Alicia for sharing your story!

Someday, like you, I would love to compete on the Ironman in Kona. That would be an incredible adventure... Perhaps someday we will get to race that event together in our respective CLOT BUSTER #TeamSTOPTHECLOT polka-dots...! 

May your return story continue to blossom and you get to complete your upcoming half-marathon without any walking. Never stop going forward until you accomplish your goals. Every step counts! 

Thank you for reading,

The Clot Buster