Friday, May 22, 2015

May Athlete of the Month

If you know me at you would know that I am a sports fan. 

If there is a good sporting event on I am willing to watch. Of course I have my preferences but sport is sport and I enjoy them all.

I suppose I got this love of sports from my mother and it become increasingly evident on the last couple of weeks while my mother and father came over to visit us. You see my mother watched every available sporting event on TV.  From professional tennis to hockey playoffs to NBA playoffs. 

Although I enjoy sports I cannot keep up with her intensity.

During her visit I was re-introduced to the NBA playoffs and we even got into arguments as to who would win the series between Cleveland and Chicago.

Making this connection to the NBA again reminded me of recent news regarding of an all star player cutting his season short because of blood clots in his lung.

If you are familiar with the MIAMI HEAT then you know about CHRIS BOSH and he too now, despite of all of his basketball success, is a BLOOD CLOT SURVIVOR.
Although his season was cut short because of his blood clotting incident he is expected to make a full recovery and be ready for the 2016 season.

No question that he will return to full action but for sure this was a scary moment for him and his family.

Once again the take home message here is that blood clots can indeed AFFECT ANYONE at ANYTIME.

Knowing the signs and symptoms can save your life and you are your own first line of defense.

Read on @ for basic info that can prove useful.

Don't become a statistic!

Thank you for reading,

The Clot Buster

Saturday, May 09, 2015

STOP THE CLOT @ The Cap City Half-Marathon and Expo!

WONDERFUL Experience to be a part of this weekend.

MANY THANKS to the kind folks with M3Sports for letting us participate to create awareness.

During the expo and during the race we made a difference.

Here is looking forward to next year and another opportunity to reach out to more people and get more folks to wear the #StopTheClot polka-dots!