Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Here is wishing all of you...

May 2010 bring us the opportunity to continue spreading the word about blood clots and blood clotting disorders to all who need to know.
I very much look forward to the opportunity to see more people out there wearing the STOP THE CLOT polka-dots in many more events out there as the NATTHlete program continues to expand.Thanks for reading and following along in 2009 and come along in 2010 for some more fun in the adventures of the Clot Buster.

All the Best,

The Clot Buster

Friday, December 18, 2009

Clot Busters in Action over Thanksgiving

Well, you know from a previous blog that I took the Clot Buster polka-dots out for a run on ThanksgivingDay for an all time best performance on my 11th year during the race.
But what I am sure you did not know is that other Clot Busters also were busy over Thankgiving and they too took the polka-dots out for a run...

Well, let me show you on the following pictures Clot Buster - Jim Fenton rocking the polka-dots at the Greensboro Gobbler 5K... THANK YOU JIM for spreading the word about STOP THE CLOT!!!
If you or someone you know rocked the polka-dots at a Thanksgiving Run or anyother run for that matter please let me know so that I can bother you for a picture and get you on this blog for all to see in action.

This year I am done with any racing but looking to what I can do in 2010. If you have any suggestions for me please send them my way. One thing is for sure, no marathon in 2010 as I need a break from all the pounding...but I will definitely consider a half marathon or two... but of course triathlons are definitely in my future. So, send on your suggestions to see what races I will venture doing!

Thanks for reading,

The Clot Buster

Friday, December 11, 2009

December Athlete of the Month

Finally with most of my christmas shopping done and with ample time at home since the Subaru is at the shop getting repaired I can finally sit down and prepare the post for December's Athlete of the Month.

This month's athlete is someone that is very busy during this time of the year pushing people around and helping his team reach the playoffs and make a run deep into post season. I am amazed that this gentleman got through a clotting episode not too long ago and he still continues to perform the duties of his job remarkably. Please let me introduce to you Mr. BRIAN ROBINSON - Defensive End for the Minnesota Vikings.

I wish that I would have the opportunity to meet Mr. Robinson in person to see if I could get him to wear the Clot Buster polka-dots and see if I had any chance against him in arm wrestling...

Please read on below to learn more about Mr. Robinson's story as it was featured on NATT's most recent holiday email...

"Those of you who are NFL fans likely know that Brian Robison is a defensive end for the Minnesota Vikings. In the best shape of his life, 25-year-old Brian was shocked, when, after a big game, his leg "swelled up," a common sign of DVT. Fortunately, the Vikings' team doctor recognized that Brian's symptoms suggested a blood clot, and ran tests that detected two clots in his leg. Brian and his wife Jayme were understandably stunned when they realized the severity of his DVTs, which required immediate surgery. Had Brian not sought medical attention, his clots could have travelled to his lungs which are fatal in one out of three individuals.

Brian was wise to get his leg checked out and fortunate that his doctor recognized the signs of his potentially life-threatening blood clot. He continues to play professional football today and looks back on his blood clots as an "eye-opener," not only for himself and Jayme, but for the community as a whole. As Brian puts it, "I want to help raise awareness and tell people that they need to pay attention to their bodies whenever they sense that something isn't quite right. Don't wait and expect symptoms to get better - get in and get things checked out." "

Mr. Robinson is very lucky to have had the quick response from his team doctors that potentially saved his life. This is just another example that blood clots can affect anyone at any time regardless of what do. It thrilling to know that we know someone in the NFL who has had a clotting incident and is back in action showing all of us how it is possible to do it.

I came across the following video about Mr. Robinson please check it out...

A blood clot is not going to hold Mr. Robinson down nor are 300+ Lbs lineman that are trying to protect their QB from him! Mr. Robinson - THANK YOU FOR THE INSPIRATION!!! Best of luck to you and your team! I am a fan of the Colts, I have been ever since I came to States but now that I know about Mr. Robinson I am also rooting for the man in purple.

Here is wishing all of you out there ALL THE VERY BEST IN THIS HOLIDAY SEASON!!!

Thanks for reading,

The Clot Buster