After returning back to Columbus, OH from Caracas, Venezuela it is time to get back to business... I hope that you have been following along to my updates on Twitter that you can see on the right-hand side panel of this blog.
Junior sure looked adorable this year. It is very enjoyable to dress them up any way we want... for now anyway...
Second, I am a week a way from running my second marathon of this year. This second one is to celebrate the launch of the STOP THE CLOT NATThtlete program. This is a program designed to let individuals get theit own polka-dots and become Clot Busters for their event of choice. This is a great opportunity to spread the word about Blood Clots and Blood Clotting Disorders and to fundraise in order to allow NATT to complete their mission.
Check out my fundraising page @ >>>
I can't believe that I've been able to prepare for this second race. I am going into it just hoping to complete the race and to enjoy myself. If I can run under 3:25 or improve upon my previous personal best I will thrilled!
At any rate, I hope that your Halloween was a great one.
Keep an eye on my updates through Twitter and see how my marathon goes next Saturday.
Thanks for reading,
The Clot Buster
P.S.= If you are intersted in looking into participating in the NATThlete program please take a look at the following link >>>