Thursday, December 27, 2007

How was Christmas?

For the Clot Buster it was GREAT! I am just very THANKFUL to have the opportunity to have what I have. I am very LUCKY TO BE ABLE TO LIVE THE DREAM like I do each and every single day. I hope that this Christmas you too get the chance to live the dream and carry that over with you to 2008!

Yes, my friends I got some power tools for Christmas... I am going to knock this "honey-do-list" of mine out in no time now... I need to do it because starting on December 31st I am starting my Marathon Training for the Flying Pig Marathon in May. You guys have no idea how scared I am of the 26.2 Miles. Those numbers are so scary to me. But there is no turning back now. We will see how my body holds up... wish me luck!
Thanks for reading,

The Clot Buster

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Late December Riding

What an incredible opportunity today to get out and ride. I could not believe that today was going to be so "comfortable"... After going through my list of things to do outside around the house it was time to get the tires pumped up and put on my Spiuk Ultimate Convertible Rain Jacket, which doubles also as a great wind protection jackey, and I was off in my attempt to put together a nice 26 Mile ride this afternoon.

I have to confess that I was surprised to see so few people on the trail on a day like today. We got a HUGE break from the cold and being out there riding is the only thing I had in mind since I woke this AM. Thankfully all of my shopping is done so I did not have to run around this weekend like half of the city is doing according to Mrs. Clot Buster, who told me that the traffic was horrible as she attempted to run some errands for us.

Well, here we are Christams right around the corner. This year, I don't have a clue of what Mrs. Clot Buster have placed under the tree for me. I failed to provide a list this year so I am in limbo about what will it be. I am looking forward to it because I enjoy surprises a GREAT DEAL.

I hope to post again before Christmas at some point but if I don't get around to do it...

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL who dare to read this blog. I hope that under your tree you'll find all the GOOD HEALTH, HAPPINESS, and GOOD FORTUNE you can handle for 2008!

Thank you for reading,

The Clot Buster

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Short Flashback

To my race on Thanksgiving at Cincinnati's Thanksgiving Day Race...I don't know about the look of the pulled up socks. However, I appreciate very much the warmth they provide on cool runs. Although, the socks that I wear on these pictures are nothing more than regular old soccer socks there are some people out there who can sport the same look I have for entirely different reasons. I found an article in INSIDE TRIATHLON this past week that I thought was very interesting and related to our thrombosis education effort. If you get the chance checkout the article written by Mr. Cameron Chestnut in Inside Triathlon. I think that the compression stockings can make a difference if they are used appropriately.

So, almost a month without running. I can't believe that I've gone this long. I am holding out until the end of the year and then I'll get back to it as my 18 week marathon training begins on December 31st. This is going to be a challenge but you never know if you are going to make it if you don't try. Come along to see me go through this.

Thanks for reading,

The Clot Buster

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Down but not out...


It is been a while since I last had the chance to update this blog. I have a long list of excuses that I could provide so let me just start with the latest one... Mrs. Clot Buster and I caught some sort of stomach virus that knocked us flat on the ground yesterday. I am very fortunate not to have this often but this one hit us hard. Within an hour we were both going to the can and all through the night we were alternating turns. It definitely took alot out of us because today we are next to worthless... Hopefully, the rest today will help us in our recovery.

So, with the down time on hand I decided to take care of some things and one of them is to sign up for MY FIRST EVER MARATHON... Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the Clot Buster is going the distance and he has chosen the FLYING PIG MARATHON in Cincinnati as the race to break through and conker the fear of 26.2 Miles.

I am not sure what I am getting myself into but it is something I need to try. After finding a training program that has me running three days a week (which is about all I can handle) I will resume my running on January 1st and see if I can handle it. For now, I am not doing any running so that my legs get an appropriate rest before I get started with the mileage I am required to be ready for race day. So, May 4th, 2008 here I come!

Thanks for reading,

The Clot Buster